PFO Occluder

Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale

Occlutech | PFO Occluder / Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale

Occlutech | PFO Occluder / Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale

Occlutech | PFO Occluder / Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale

Occlutech | PFO Occluder / Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale

Occlutech | PFO Occluder / Occluder for Patent Foramen Ovale


The Flex II PFO Occluder allows physicians to simplify implantation and achieve cutting-edge results¹ through rapid training. Over 33,000 PFO occluders have been implanted in more than 70 countries worldwide with record effectiveness and safety².


  • The unique spherical connection between the pushrod and the occluder ensures a secure fixation while freely adapting to the anatomy. Once positioned, the occluder is easily and quickly deployed.

  • The biocompatible handmade PET patch allows immediate verification of occlusion using ultrasound and X-ray imaging.

  • Nitinol coated with titanium oxide demonstrates superior biocompatibility³ and minimal nickel release⁴.

  • Optimized weaving: the absence of a hub and reduced material on the left atrial disc ensure better tissue integration.

Excellent Product Features

Links to Content
  1. Percutaneous Closure of the Patent Foramen Ovale with Occlutech: Safety and Efficacy Registry (OPPOSE), multicenter registry, UK.
  2. 2018_Snijder Closure of PFO in 250 patients and 1300 patient-years of follow-up using the Occlutech Figulla device.
  3. Castleman L.S., et al. Biocompatibility of Nitinol Alloy as Implant Material. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research | 97 6; 10: 695.
  4. Electrochemical Characteristics of Nitinol Occluder, Institute of Natural and Medical Sciences, University of Tübingen, mNI <0.014 μg / (cm * day).