Internal LumenJustified features for your stable PCI procedure- Sufficient space for your needs
A large internal diameter reduces friction between devices, especially with 6F catheters, and ensures more effective contrast visualization.
A smooth internal lumen reduces resistance when inserting devices.
Flexible TipSafe interaction and proper positioning are made possible through our flexible tip technologySafe interaction is ensured by the polyurethane tip. This material, used for the ASAHI Corsair tip, provides flexibility and high visibility.
The rounded walls at the tip of the catheter provide atraumatic interaction with the vessels.
SupportLong-lasting support even during complex proceduresASAHI INTECC's unique processing technologies prevent loss of maneuverability and support due to heat and blood humidity during the procedure.
The reinforced 2nd bend and excellent shape retention are key factors for high support levels.
- ASAHI INTECC Original 3rd Bend
The unique 3rd bend in the proximal part of the 2nd arc enhances support by increasing the contact area between the catheter and the aortic wall.